Beauty Queen; mixed media on panel; 12x12 inches
It’s interesting to me, how each of us is drawn to certain colors, shapes, patterns. I believe we all have an “inner palate.” (A quick glance in your closet or home will reveal your preferences) It’s true for all of our senses…some of us like salty or bitter flavors while others prefer sweet. Some like bold colors, while others lean towards neutrals. It’s important to be attentive to your own likes and dislikes in all areas of our lives. How else can you ever be true to yourself?
As an artist, it’s critical to pay attention to what you are drawn to, as this will be a clue to your uniqueness, individuality, and artistic voice. For some reason, I continue to be captivated by curving, twisting, serpentine shapes, broken and repeated in line and form. I like to make a hero of one or two colors, and persuade the rest to stay in a supportive role. At times, the process does feel like choreography, or orchestration, followed by a lot of editing.
This love affair of mine has been going on for some time…since the day I picked up my sketchbook in front of a friend’s old pot bellied stove.
Spring Fever; mixed media on panel; 24x24 inches
It’s amazing to discover how many ways this basic shape can be expressed, hinted at, arranged, destructed. It fascinates me endlessly.
What are you drawn to?