Truth Be Told


I’ve always admired people who have strong convictions and seem sure of everything. I’m not that way. I have a tendency to question everything and want to see things from as many perspectives as possible. Often, there is a shred of truth in an obvious lie. The opposite can also be true. I love the excerpt below from “Gifts From A Course In Miracles.” 

You respond to what you perceive, 
and as you perceive so shall you behave. 
Perception selects, and makes the world you see.
It literally picks it out as the mind directs.
The laws of size and shape and brightness
would hold, perhaps, if other things were equal.
They are not equal.
For what you look for
you are far more likely to discover
than what you would prefer to overlook. 

 I look for beauty and love in almost everything. Naive, perhaps. I think I’m just built that way, as this has always been true. When I see a lone, quiet farmhouse along the road, I imagine homemade pies and fresh produce and someone playing music…shady lawns and iced tea…the sound of crickets and the smell of corn growing on moonlit nights. 

I could be wrong! There could be some sick, twisted serial killer bastard holding hostages in the dank basement.
How about you? What do you see?

My friend, Billy turned me on to this quote which I love because it shines a light on the choices we all have. Thanks Billy….

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Viktor Frankl

Susan Melrath4 Comments